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Baptism Sept. 11, 2022 Asa Forney

Asa Forney

Hi. My name is Asa, and I am 8 years old. My family always believed in Jesus, but I never knew what it meant, so I asked my dad, and he explained it all. It felt like I knew everything, but I didn't, there's still a lot to learn. Besides that, there was still a lot of other things that brought me closer to God such as Created to Praise, Sports World, Woodcrest, Sabbath Readings, and church. Every time I see something that I love, I just stop and say, "Thank you God."

My favorite verse is Psalm 19:10 "They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb." Well, I love the whole chapter because I memorized it, that's just my favorite verse from the chapter. I didn't say the whole thing because it seems like we'd be here all day.

My parents chose the name Asa because it means "healer" and King Asa was a good King. He "did what was right in the eyes of the Lord...King Asa's heart was fully committed to the Lord" and I want to be like that too. And that is why I want to be baptized.

Baptism Sept. 11, 2022 Clayton Hartman

Clayton Hartman

Hi, my name is Clayton Hartman, and I'm 20 years old. Growing up, I did go to church but I didn't have a desire to know God or grow in my relationship with Him. And when I began high school, I eventually stopped going to church. Even though I knew who Jesus was, I didn't allow Him to have a place in my heart. During this time, I tried to find fulfillment in worldly things like sports, but deep down, I still felt like something was missing. However, God kept on pursuing me.

For the last 10 years my grandma has taken me and my sister to Sight and Sound Theaters where they make shows on Bible stories. I loved how they would show them on stage, and was amazed by how God used ordinary people like me to do extraordinary things for His glory. And even though God used the shows to pursue me and affect my heart, I would eventually go back to the world and try to find fulfillment there. It wasn't until November 2021 when I was talking to my really good friend who had a deep relationship with the Lord that I decided to try church again.

Over time, I started to understand the magnitude of who God was, and learned things about Him that I never knew. God never needed me, but He still wanted me, and I was in awe of how much love Jesus had for me to where He was willing to sacrifice Himself so that I could be saved and have eternal life. Even when I wasn't faithful to Him, He was still faithful to me. When I eventually gave my life to Christ, I quickly realized He was the thing that was missing in my life. I am now truly fulfilled, and it makes me want everyone else to have the same joy He offers.

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