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Baptism 06.02.2024 Sunday in the Park


Adesewa Adenjii

As I was born in Africa and moved to the United States with my family when I was four, my relationship with God is a direct result of being born into an African Christian household. The seed was planted in me through my mother worshiping him through music in front of me. It made me want to do the same, so music, prayer and my dreams became a way of communicating and connecting with God. I remember giving my life to God when I was 7. I remember praying every day for hours as a child because I wanted to understand who God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are in truth. I remember having gifts from God that I didn't know how to use, but I knew that if I went to God he would know why they were given to me and how they would help me serve him. I remember going on youth retreats and always coming back home in awe of Him. I've gotten to witness countless miracles upon miracles in God's creation through his grace, mercy, love and forgiveness.

I had been baptized before when I was 14 or 15. However, I realized that when I was first baptized, I had little acknowledgment of what the world entailed. My understanding of the world was simple, anchored solely in the presence of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. After being baptized, throughout the years there were a lot of attacks against my life physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Yet, through it all, God Jesus and the Holy Spirit's presence in my life only grew stronger. Now, as a 22-year-old, my journey has evolved, and I am determined to embody the essence of God's vision for my life. There's been a burning desire in my heart to embody God's identity of me. To rid myself of all other identities that have existed against his will over my life. With a deeper comprehension of His teachings and a growing sense of purpose, I strive to live in alignment with His will, seeking to reflect His love, compassion, and grace in all that I do. This journey is not just about belief but about faith in living out the truth of His identity within me, shaping every decision and action with the intention of honoring and glorifying Him. With everything God has taught me the past couple of years, it's good to have forgiveness in your heart for things small and big. It's okay to not be in control of things and give your life to God--no matter how many times. If you have questions, run to him because he will answer.

God told me to get baptized last year, but there wasn't an opportunity to do so. He said it again earlier this year that I will be baptized this year, and I wasn't sure when, but God knew because his will always prevails. I am in thanks to God, to Jesus and the Holy Spirit: for things known and unknown, heard and unheard, mentioned and unmentioned, and prayed about and unprayed about. This baptism to me is my resolute yes to God's calling on my life.

AJ Schwartz

My name is AJ Schwartz. I'm 17 years old and a current junior at Warwick High School. I have grown up in a Christian home and have known about God for as long as I can remember. As a little kid, I began to learn about the salvation story and how God sent his one and only son down to Earth to live a perfect life, and in the end, die on the cross and three days later rise from the dead, to save me from my sins. I still remember being so excited for my first communion, being able to profess my faith with my parents and older brother. While it was awesome to eat the bread and take the drink, I know that I didn't truly understand. As I got older, I continued to go to church, prayed every night, and occasionally read my Bible at home, but my relationship with the Lord was really on and off. Time with God got put on the back burner, and only seemed to come around when I was stressed and needed something. Prayer became, "God help me get a good grade" or "Help me play well in my soccer game." And when God answered my prayer, there would occasionally be a "Thank you." As time went on, into middle school and early high school, I struggled with sexual impurity and lying. I knew I was falling into a pit, but no matter how hard I tried to fight that battle by myself, there was no use, and I would simply succumb to temptation all over again. Moving into my sophomore year at high school, I began crying out to God for help and strength to beat my temptation. In April of my 10th grade year, God answered my prayers, not in the way I expected. My sin was brought to light when my dad caught me with all the things I tried to keep secret. Both my parents were distraught and debated if they had failed as parents, and that killed me because I knew that I was the one who failed them. I told them how I tried to stop over and over and cried out to the Lord for help, but felt forgotten. They had told me that God moves in mysterious ways, and that my prayers had been answered. They were than able to help me beat my addiction, with some restrictions, and lots of prayer.

Moving to winter of this past year, at Winter Blast, my eyes were opened to the fact that my relationship with God was too shallow, and I wanted to know God more, not just know about God. I saw that I desired a more intimate relationship with God, but I also knew that this feeling would crash a few weeks after Winter Blast. With this in mind, my life group and I set up a list of things to keep me disciplined. Reading my Bible, taking notes, written prayers, and more intimate prayers with God were all a part of that list...The feeling crashed about a month afterward. I tried to go to youth group as much as possible, but soccer and school quickly filled that time. I began to struggle with my old temptations again, and it seemed like I had done another complete 180 and was back to square one. This time, I prayed to God, thanking him for all the great things in my life, and knew that He was in control. I remember vividly waking up one morning, after a rough day before, and reading the verse in the back corner of my dresser; Joshua 1:9 - "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified. Do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." That verse has stuck with me for years, and will for years to come. It has helped me fight my battles. While old problems seem to fade away, I still struggle with new issues, but I know that God is with me, has a plan for me, and will get me through any adversity, because he has done it time and time again, and he doesn't plan to stop. Nowadays, I try to live my life out in a way that praises the Lord, from volunteering and creating new relationships to reading my Bible with the intent of learning what God has to say to me. The main thing that I have learned so far is that God has blessed me with many things: Food, clothes, shelter, close friends, great mentors, loving and caring family, and greatest of all salvation. This is why I am ready to publicly profess my faith. I want to be baptized today because I desire to live my life out in a way that praises the Lord and to publicly declare that I have been saved.

Bailey Stechman

When I was a kid, I would go to church with my grandparents. Over the years, I made less time to go and lost touch with my faith. I had a lot of anxiety as a child, and it built up more and more. After a difficult period in my life, I started shoplifting and stealing to cope with my stress and anxiety. It gave me a sense of control, until I realized I had no control at all. Five years ago, I went to juvenile detention and saw how much I had taken for granted. I was given a chance to do better. After I got back home, I worked hard, finished high school, and started college.

Since December, I've been attending LEFC with my girlfriend, Adesewa. The messages, the warmth of the community, and the consistency of attending church together have profoundly impacted me. May 19th's sermon changed a lot for me. The message of sin and forgiveness struck deep. My past mistakes often made me feel unworthy of love and forgiveness, leading to a constant state of nihilism.

However, I recognize the personal growth and blessings I've experienced. I realized I've been given too much and come too far to continue living with frustration and self-doubt. I now see that faith is a journey, and it's about trusting in someone greater with your heart.

It was no coincidence that baptisms were taking place at Sunday in the Park, which we were planning to attend. I felt a strong calling to take this step in my faith. I understood this was the right time for me to publicly declare my faith and commitment to God. I am ready to embrace this journey.

Blythe Spead

I have been blessed to have grown up in a Christian household. I have been going to church my whole life, and I go to a Christian school. As far back as I can remember, I listened to Bible stories every day and knew that I was sinful. The wrong things I do are things that separate me from God, but he sent his son to die so that when he looks at us, instead of seeing our sins, he sees Jesus' perfection. When I was around five or six, I accepted Jesus into my heart, but I had trouble trusting that I had really accepted him into my heart, and I remember asking him to come into my heart many times. It is difficult for me to believe that I was really saved since I couldn't see or feel an immediate change. However, God was still working in my heart even when I didn't realize it.

As I grew older, my relationship with Jesus had highs and lows as I began to understand the gospel at a deeper level and realize how it affects my life. I remember one low specifically, when my stubbornness and pride kept me from wanting to submit to God. It felt more like a chore and not a blessing that he wanted me to live for him. I see now that living for God is the way that we were created, and it hurts us when we try to go off and do our own thing. Thankfully, even when we drift away from God for a season, he is always waiting for us, always loving us, and always forgiving us.

Going to a classical Christian school helped me grow my knowledge of the Bible and theology, but sometimes that knowledge just stayed facts that I knew and did not really sink in. Sometimes it is a struggle to see how God is working in and through me, and also in the world. I do remember one specific week where it really hit me that God is always with us and around us at all times, and I had an immense sense of joy all throughout that week. However, there are seasons where I feel far from God, but the gospel truth that God leads us and loves us is something that I trust.

One verse that I have leaned into as I grow in my relationship with the Lord is, "Trust in the Lord with all you heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6). I still have ups and downs, but I can trust in God that he has my back because Jesus died to save us when we were imperfect. He died knowing that we would still sin and mess up all the time. We can now have hope because of his resurrection that defeated sin and death.

Cassidy Hess

Hi! My name is Cassidy Hess and next year I will be in 9th grade at Manheim Central.

I have attended LEFC for my whole life, grew up in a Christian home, and was blessed to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior at an early age.

I may not remember what my life was like before I accepted Him, but what I do know is this: That Jesus has saved me from sin and death by sacrificing himself and has given me a new and eternal life found in Him alone. Throughout my life, I have seen Him be faithful and constant and true.

I want to be baptized today to show God's redemptive work in my life and that He is the only one in whom salvation is found. I also want to take the next step in my journey with Christ today and publicly declare my faith. He has taken me from the grave and brought me to life.

Declan Archibald

My name is Declan Archibald. I am 10 years old and I jut finished 4th grade at Crossroads Community Homeschool. When I was 5 years old, I asked my dad if I could ask Jesus into my heart. I had been learning through my Sunday School teachers and parents that I was a sinner, I needed a Savior, and that Jesus was the one who could forgive and save me. I realized I was a sinner because I would disobey my parents, lie, and fight with my sisters. I wanted Jesus to forgive me of my sins. I want to be baptized to publicly show that I am a follower of Jesus.

I still struggle to obey, not lie, and not fight with my sisters. Now, when I catch myself doing those things, I am much quicker to apologize to the person and to Jesus. Jesus has also given me a tender heart for other people. I really like to do kind things for my friends. I have also seen the Lord help me through tough times, like when my mom had cancer. I felt comforted by God through the love shown to my family through the many meals delivered to us and for all the people who said they were praying for us. One of my favorite verses is Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." This verse reminds me that Jesus will always be with me, I can trust Him and not be afraid.

Drew Bene

I've always been involved in the church from a young age. My parents always encouraged me to attend church every Sunday growing up. Being a young lad, I would be more excited to help stack chairs after the service so I would be able to shoot hoops instead of learning more about Jesus.

It wasn't until I moved to Pennsylvania in 2010 that I began to seek and know Jesus. I got rooted in an amazing friend group. We all strived to become better athletes...and to strengthen our relationship with Jesus.

It was at a youth retreat in 2012 when I gave my life to Christ. We listened to a testimony by Jason George that changed my life. He spoke about his love for Christ and how he was on a dark path with choices and people he associated with until Jesus came into his life and guided him in a better direction. His message was so powerful that I wanted a personal relationship with Jesus. On February 18, 2012, I declared that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and that his victory on the cross washes away my sins. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

Jesus means hope in my life. I have surrendered this life to Jesus so that I will have an eternal life with Him in heaven. By surrendering this life, I do all things in honor for Him. Matthew 16:24-26 tells us, "Then Jesus told his disciples, if anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?"

Jesus has blessed me in so many ways after giving my life to Him. One of the blessings that Jesus has recently given me is a wife. And I can happily say that Megan is right beside me choosing to be baptized today! Megan and I were married on February 10 of this year. Jesus's love is the guidance that we need in our marriage. Meg and I strive to extend each other grace within our marriage, but it's insufficient compared to the grace that we receive from Jesus. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast." God's riches at Christ expense. Grace.

Jesus has made a huge impact in my life. He has guided my path and equipped me for the challenges that life throws my way. Apart from Megan and my family, He has provided friendships with amazing people. I keep in touch with my friend group from high school and I consider them to be my brothers. They're great company and keep me in check when I need to be held accountable. I attend a Wednesday men's Bible study every week where we learn what it means to pick up our crosses daily. As my relationship with Christ strengthens, it seems new people are brought into my life to encourage/edify me as new chapters begin.

I was baptized as an infant but I'm choosing to be baptized today to signify the changes Christ has made in my life and show my commitment to Him with this life he has blessed me with.

Hannah Shelly

I was born into a Christian home, with Christian grandparents and extended family. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was around the age of 5 or 6. In my teen years, my actions and choices were leading me away from Christ. I was disrespectful to my parents, had unhealthy relationships, and gave into peer pressure. God began the process of bringing me back to Him through a series of situations over the last 5 years. I had a car accident, I lost my job, lost both my beloved grandparents, was involved in a toxic relationship, and had major knee reconstruction surgery. All that was breaking me and drawing me back to Him.

Now I have a stronger relationship with Christ. I am reading the Bible each day. I have a better relationship with my parents. My mom and I are closer than ever now. I am also now in a healthier and better relationship with my new boyfriend.

I have always been drawn to the 23rd Psalm throughout the years, especially where it reads, "He guides me along the right paths for His name's sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley I will fear no evil."

Now that I've found my home church at LEFC, I want to openly proclaim that I am a child of God.

Isaac Ressinger

Before Jesus found me, I was lost and searching for something to fill a void in my heart. I found myself constantly seeking validation and fulfillment in all the wrong places. I was always left feeling empty and unsatisfied no matter what I did or how much I achieved. I was angry at a lot of things and sought joy in material things more than spiritual.

Then came the moment when I realized that my need for Jesus was greater than anything else in my life. I saw the brokenness and emptiness within me and knew that only Jesus could bring true peace and joy into my life. It was at that moment that I decided to surrender my life to Him and allow Him to work in me.

Now, my life is dedicated to living for Christ.

All I can think about lately is Jesus Christ, and I want to share with the world what he has done for me and what he can do for every single person. Jesus means everything to me. He is my firm foundation, my salvation, and my constant source of strength. He has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. I am no longer searching for validation or fulfillment because I know that I am loved unconditionally by my Savior.

Jesus has made a profound difference in my life. He has brought me peace in times of chaos, hope in times of despair, and joy in times of sorrow. He has shown me that I am never alone and that He is always with me, guiding me every step of the way.

I am forever grateful for the day Jesus found me. He has brought purpose and meaning to my life in ways I could have never imagined. I am truly blessed to have Him as my Savior, and I will continue to live my life for Him each and every day.

Levi Sell

My name is Levi Sell, and I am here today to testify my faith to God and show the world that I have dedicated myself to him. My life has always been filled with the word of God through family, friends, previous church experience, and so much more. But I never truly understood what it meant to walk with Christ. It was typical for me to get out of bed on Sunday mornings, put on a nice outfit, eat breakfast, and head to church without really caring what I was doing. I chose to "go with the flow." At a certain point, I made some poor friendships, leading to poor decisions. I had an immediate lapse in judgment and ran to my parents, telling them what was on my heart. They were extremely supportive and caring and helped ease the feeling of guilt. Over time though, that wasn't enough. I continued to overthink and didn't turn to anyone. I faced myself with the option to turn to my roots and open up to God, or to let myself continue down the road of struggle. That night I took the time to pray. I explained what had happened, how I felt, and asked for help. The next day at church, I zoned into our lesson and what was being said. God was showing me the way. He was showing me that he was by my side. he was there all along. My struggle was his voice pushing me back to the love of the house of the Lord. I noticed myself accepting the words spoken by those in the church. Over time by continually practicing faith, I began to feel better. Prayers, joy, curiosity, and interest. They all came back. Eventually, my worries about the past faded into something that seemed to just have been a dream. I was back on my feet. I was focused, and I understood what I was meant to do again. My dark spiral into something I once knew as normal came to an end. The weight on my shoulders was lifted.

Today, I live a life where turning to God is an immediate response to stress, anxiety, sadness, anger, or anything else. This includes the positives in my life as well. I remember that joy is also caused by God's power and forgiveness. I can't believe the path I may have gone down if God hadn't shown me the way back to how I should've been living life the whole time. Discussions about religion tend to come up more often in my life now, and I'm always open to sharing how I feel about Christianity and what I've been taught. I appreciate what the people in my life, such as Caleb Roberts and Tyler Tomassi, have taught me and done for me and the other students in my age group. Being able to flourish in a well-rounded, Christian community truly plays a huge role in one's life. I'm proud to be here today to pronounce my faith in God and his words. Thank you.

Leya Tumusifu

My name is Leya Tumusifu. I was born in Africa, in Uganda. My parents are both from Rwanda, but had to flee from Rwanda during the genocide in the 1990s. My family was living in a refugee camp in Uganda when I was born. I lived in the refugee camp for eleven years until my family moved to Lancaster in 2022. I wasn't able to attend school in Uganda, and living in the refugee camp was a very difficult time for me and my family.

I am the 8th child in a family of eleven children. My parents are believers in Jesus. My dad is a pastor, and my mother is a leader in the church. I grew up with my parents teaching me to obey God and to love God. Because my parents kept telling me stories about Jesus and how he died on a cross to save me from my sins, I started loving Jesus, and I wanted to know about him.

After learning more about Jesus, I decided to follow him and accept him as my King and Savior. I started worshiping him by praying, fasting, singing, and joined the choir. I am ready to follow in his footsteps by being baptized in the water, like he was baptized. My goal is to serve him my whole life and be together with him after the end of this world.

Megan Bene

I grew up in a Christian household and was a regular Sunday Morning attendee. My parents tried to instill the importance of Christ and the church in my life at a young age. We regularly attended services/children's classes, vacation bible schools, and youth group meetings. I am very grateful to my parents and family for the opportunity and privilege I had to grow up getting to learn about Jesus. Having a background in the church laid a solid foundation that I used later in life to build my relationship with Jesus.

I had two very important coming to Christ moments. My initial acceptance of Christ occurred when I was 12. I accepted Christ in my heart and gave my life to Jesus. Although I may have not been able to completely grasp the entirety of what that meant at that age, I knew that I wanted God to be the focus of my life. As I took on my early teenage years, Jesus was always part of my life, but I didn't always keep him at the center, I often fell short. It wasn't until my junior year of high school while having a Dairy Queen ice cream run with my now brother-in-law and some great spiritual conversation that I realized the full weight of what Jesus did for us. That conversation really resonated with me and to this day I give thanks to the Lord for laying that on both of our hearts as it was instrumental in my walk with Christ.

Although I came to Jesus Christ at a young age, I had some doubts I dealt with after high school. Being in a college without a faith-based support system led to me building walls in my relationship with Christ. I turned to the worldly things that I believed with make me happy, but only left me emptier inside. It wasn't until my senior year of college, which was full of hardships, and then meeting my now husband who helped continuously point me back to Christ, that I again found the inner joy that Christ brings. I was reminded that no material item or thing of this world would fill my cup endlessly like Jesus. In John 7, verse 38 Jesus says, "Whoever believes in me as the Scripture has said, 'Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.'"

Growing in life and in faith teaches you a lot. Life has taught me that I will constantly face failures and roadblocks. Jesus teaches me that our failures are part of God's bigger picture, that many times it can lead to success or to aid in the success of others. That roadblocks are nothing to God who can move mountains. One passage I often refer to is Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."

I too often fall short in life prioritizing my relationship with God, whether I end up on a social media doom scroll, instead of spending time in prayer, or I make excuses when I don't open my Bible every day to receive the living word as we are called to do. Time and time again I repent for my short comings and failures. And time and time again Jesus is there waiting for me, to pick me up and walk with me through whatever I bring to him. He is the ultimate healer and the everlasting love. The Lord has also blessed me with wonderful friends and family as my support system to help keep me accountable and guide me on my journey with Christ.

The last piece of Scripture I'll end with is Matthew 22:37-39: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your soul and with all you mind. This is the great first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." With every decision that I make in my marriage, relationships, job, or in life, I try to ask myself, "Does this decision outwardly show my love for God, and does this show that I love God's people?"

Jesus is the sacrificial love that can never be matched by earthly things. He is the never-ending grace, love, and mercy from our Heavenly Father. Jesus is the first person I turn to when I am alone or when I am in a room full of people. Jesus is the foundation of my marriage, and I am blessed to be able to be baptized today standing next to my husband proclaiming that our faith and the love we each have for Jesus, side by side.

Melissa Underhill

Hi! My name is Melissa Underhill, and I am married to my husband and best friend, Brian. We have 2 wonderful children that are just entering into adulthood.

Before I surrendered my life to Christ, I expended so much energy seeking emotional fulfillment from everything and everyone but God. I spent years running from painful childhood experiences, searching for ways to hide the unhealed wounds. I sought many things to fill the void inside, but the ultimate rescuer for me was alcohol.

I remember my first drink as a teenager and how I was instantly drawn to the feeling it gave. For the first time, I didn't feel fear, sadness, anger or anxiety. I felt what I thought was freedom. I continued drinking into my adult years as it gradually shifted from an occasional pour to a daily need in order to function. I became indifferent to the people I loved and neglected my marriage, my children, my friendships, and my health. My future looked lonely and dark.

God nudged me numerous times over the years, but I chose to push Him away. I believed the selfish lies I invented in my mind and told myself that I deserved at least one vice. I convinced myself that I didn't have a problem because I was able to maintain my job, even if my performance was mediocre at best, and I was there for my family, even if I wasn't really present. Deep down, though, I knew I was destroying myself, and my relationships were fading.

Then finally, in the aftermath of a night of binge drinking, I admitted my problem and surrendered my addiction to God. It was a monumental turning point for me. I asked God to forgive me and asked for His help to change.

Like the shepherd that leaves the 99 in search of one. He rescued me. He pulled me out of that pit. I began spending quality time with Him in prayer, in worship, and in His Word, and my life and relationships began to mend. I was made new, and because of Him, I am almost 1 year sober!

I am being baptized today because I am a new person. I have a changed mind, heart, and attitude. I believe that Jesus is my Savior. I believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and I believe He has good plans for me. Amen!

Parker Unruh

I gave my life to Christ at Sports World when I was 7. Tyler Morris was speaking on the importance of Jesus in our lives, and when that day of Sports World concluded, I approached him and asked if he'd help me pray and accept Jesus into my life. He accepted, and we sat on the edge of the stage in the old sanctuary and prayed. Later that day, my grandma picked me up, and I stayed in her office for a little while and told her about my experience with Tyler. She also wanted to pray with me about accepting God into my life, and we did.

I am thankful God has given me the chance to grow up in a Christian home with loving parents and siblings. They have helped me in my journey with Christ by teaching me gratitude, kindness, and self-control. Although I still struggle with these, I know Jesus paid the price for my sins, no matter how great or small they are. Now, as a 13-year-old middle schooler, I more deeply understand what God has done for me than when I was 7. God has moved me closer to him in those 6 years, not by things that I have done, but by his Spirit at work in me. God has made me a better person throughout the years, and I am grateful that he chose to include me in his kingdom. "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). Because of this, I know that he will continue to work in me, to make me an example for others, and to continue to spread his word throughout the nations. Because of what God has done in me, I want to show other what the Lord can do for them, not because I am perfect, none of us are, but because God is perfect. I also know that God will be with me. Jesus says in Matthew 28: 19-20, "'Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'" This verse gives me confidence as a child of God, for he is always with me.

Robert Hoffman

I was extremely shy as a child to the point of potentially having a social anxiety disorder. I was bullied incessantly by groups of kids in school for over ten years on a daily basis, I believe because I did not "fit in" and because I was so shy and socially awkward. I was also verbally attacked by my father with criticism for many years as he stated he was trying to toughen and build me up. I attempted suicide at the age of 16 by overdosing on pills and was hospitalized for depression. By the age of 18, I was still deeply hurting and went to a racetrack that I had thought would be fun where I soon met a "male friend" 30 years older than me with no judgment and did not need to pay for things to be liked. This terrible choice led to a several-decade gambling stronghold that I only have recently overcome with the Lord's power and my surrender. I would always return to this in my past as a way to numb and attempt to forget about my pain from all the hurts I experienced as a child. Reminds me of the verse, "As a dog returns to his vomit, so is a fool that repeats his folly" (Proverbs 26:11). I now have great accountability in my life for quite some time and have my mentor Steve present here who has been such a blessing to me. In 2008, I believed on the Lord and finally understood the reason the Lord of Lords and King of Kings had to suffer and die on the cross.

I relocated to Lancaster, PA in 2016 after marrying my lovely and beautiful bride in 2015. I am a girl-dad with 2 beautiful and precious girls: 16 and almost 6 years old. Our daughter Natalia, who will soon be 6, loves Jesus and is here today. I am so grateful for this, and there is nothing more important I believe for her. Unfortunately, my bride and I both did not start our relationship in obeying God for which I take ownership. I failed her emotionally/financially in many ways and not loving her like Christ loves the church while bringing in my past hurts/trauma from my childhood and family of origin, thus hurting her deeply. As a result, my family is currently broken up for over 2 years with our marriage essentially on life support. I love and care for her very much; I miss her dearly and always pray for her healing and peace. I still hope and pray for a full restoration of a new marriage and rendering the old one as dead.

During this season in my life, Jesus has been refining me though with the hardest trial of my life thus far and changed me into the new godly man that He had always intended me to be with complete, radical transformation and genuine repentance. It is only by His grace and that still small voice that leads us to repentance.

I have not always been walking with the Lord as I have been for quite some time now. I used to live a lifestyle of presumptuous sin; quite different than living as a sinner in our fallen and inherently sinful nature. The reason I would like to become baptized this morning is I have finally come to end of myself in 2023 and am living my life in true freedom. My former life as a slave to bondage is in my rear-view mirror; now I am a slave to righteousness and doing the right thing.

I contemplate often how far He came to willingly suffer for my horrendous sin. No one took His life; He laid it down. Baptism for me is an outward sign that I am dead to the world, and alive in Christ. I am now under "new management". It will be evident in how I treat all people in the rest of my sojourn here only with dignity and respect no matter who they are or their story. I am seeking opportunities in how I can serve others, especially the bullied, homeless, and shut-ins. The Lord has humbled and disciplined me, which I believe is so essential for our walk. I am continually dying to my selfish desires as I live my life that is being sanctified. It is so simple -- "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." It has changed my life and my eternal destiny is secure. He gets all the glory. I would like to share this one last verse.1 John 4:19: "We love because He first loved us." I love Jesus and He saved my life. Knowing Him has changed my life, and only trusting Him will provide true meaning and purpose for my remaining years. Thank you for hearing my story and love you all my brothers and sisters.

Sean Chambers

Hi, my name is Sean Chambers. Early on in my life, I was an agnostic, and as a teenager, I began making some pretty bad decisions. I was hanging out with the wrong crowd, I began stealing, and I made some other pretty bad choices. I understand that I was a kid, essentially, and that sometimes goes with the territory of growing up.

But then, at the age of 17, I accepted Christ into my life while living in Scotland. Even with Him by my side, I proved to be backsliding from the faith and things got worse for me. Pretty drastically and quickly, one poor choice led to another and eventually, the downward sprial began affecting my livelihood.

Drug addiction led to homelessness, and eventually, I was stripped of all sense of moral fiber. This time in my life was not something that I look back on with pride, but I realized that I am lucky to have made it through this difficult time with my health and remaining sanity. Something had to change and fast.

This was proving to be my "rock bottom", and the reality that I had to start digging my way out of the hole I had dug for myself quickly took root. One of the more comforting aspects of this challenge was that I wasn't going to need to go through it alone. I had Christ to help me along the way.

In the program of NA, there is a step that talks about finding a higher power, which I had never really completely lost sight of. However, at this moment in my life, it seemed like I needed to realign my faith and reevaluate my decision-making process.

Through this process of self-examination, the recognition of my problem, and working through the steps of correcting the path of my life, I realized the gravity of my poor choices: fractured friendships, broken relationships with my family, compromising my integrity, and plenty of other self-deprecating misadventures. I realized that it was my faith in God that pulled me from perdition and the wretched squalor of the past.

I realize that by going through the tough times in my life, it makes me appreciate all the good times. It has restored my faith in Christ and in His saving grace. I can honestly say that much of my moral fiber has been resurrected, thanks to His guidance and grace.

Romans 12:2: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will."

I am being baptized today to publicly proclaim my personal faith in Christ and to share the story of transformation that He has done in my life.

Sophia Knarr

My name is Sophia Knarr. I grew up in a Christian home, and although I went to church all my life, I never really had my own true relationship with God. With my parents splitting up, losing all my friends, and moving to a whole new state, I fell into a pretty deep pit of depression. I was always upset because I felt like everything that was happening to me was only bad things and I thought that I would never truly be happy. Through it all, I still kept going to church even though I didn't really believe in God.

Eventually, as my life went on I started making friends. Because of those friends and all the other positive influences in my life, I started to see how God had a plan for my life and how he was with me through everything, especially my toughest times, to help me through it all. Had I not gone through all of it, I probably wouldn't be where I am today.

In this past year I've seen all the amazing things that God has done not only in my own life but all around me. That is why I have decided to fully put my faith and trust in him alone and completely give my life to Christ. I understand that life will still be rough, but by being baptized today, I want to publicly declare my faith in Jesus.

Baptism 04.21.2024


Amanda Groff

My name is Amanda Groff. My husband is Jeff and we have one son, Lane, who is in kindergarten. I am a Civil Engineer. I grew up going to church, attending several different churches over the years. I gave my life to Christ when I was in youth group in high school, but looking back, it wasn't a deep connection or a close personal relationship with God. At college, my faith increased as I was more involved with a campus ministry and surrounded by fellow Christians that challenged and encouraged me. After college, we got married and moved back to Lancaster County.

I started coming to LEFC about 9 years ago, shortly after I changed jobs, since my new commute went right by the church, and I felt called to see what LEFC had to offer. I hadn't found a church that I attended regularly after college, and I missed that, but I was also looking for a place to make friends. I was fortunate to get plugged into a life group right away and have been blessed by the friendships and spiritual growth that I have experienced.

God has blessed me and our family and has been there with us through struggles and challenges. He sustained me and supported me as I came to church alone for awhile, and I was fortunate to be welcomed into a community that accepted me and prayed for me and my family. There are many times that I doubted God and struggled to pray, wondering if Jeff would ever come to church. Through God's grace, Jeff made many changes, and God changed my heart and my understanding of His love in the process. I have also seen that He works when we don't expect it and in His timing, which is a much greater plan than I could have imagined. He is regularly reminding me to be patient and to seek Him first when I get overwhelmed. He also reminded me that no temptation is greater than I can bear and that He will help me endure.

Jeff Groff

My name is Jeff Groff and even though my wife, Mandy, has been attending LEFC for roughly 10 years, it took me until December of 2022 to finally join her. We have been married since 2012 and have one son named Lane.

I grew up attending church on Saturday nights/Sunday morning and youth group Sunday evenings through High School. After starting college at Virginia Tech, some guys in my hall started telling me about this ministry they attended called CRU. This sounded interesting to me because I was trying to figure out where to connect and grow some friendships, so it sounded like a good place to start. This is where I began to learn about how many people had more of a personal relationship with Jesus and would read actually read the Bible and study what it meant. I attended CRU for a while and even led a Bible study for a period of time until I was playing dodge-ball and met my now wife at the BCM(Baptist Collegiate Ministries). I started attending BCM regularly with their large group meetings on Tuesdays at 6:33pm (Matthew 6:33) and their weekly small group bible studies and felt more connected and developed many close friendships and grew my relationship with Christ.

After college, Mandy and I moved back home to Ephrata, starting our new jobs and life as a married couple. We struggled to connect with any local churches and with me starting to work Sunday mornings in the restaurant business, church and my relationship with Christ took a back seat. I started to turn to alcohol to help numb my mind and deal with the anxiety that I was experiencing and using that to fill the void, bring me joy, and build "friendships" with those around me. In 2018, after we welcomed Lane, I could tell I was spiraling down the wrong path but I wasn't feeling convicted enough to change my drinking, and I started to believe that I couldn't change. My drinking went from something that I didn't want to change to something I didn't think I could change.

February 9th, 2022 I woke up scared and in new territory. I had dumped the rest of my alcohol stash down the drain the night before and finally decided I wanted and needed more. I started to pray some and hope that God would finally help me to kick my habit and help me change my ways. It felt like God had flipped a switch overnight. I started to realize how many people were praying for me, including my wife, and how God had meant so much more for my life and that He wasn't finished with me yet. It still took me a few months to attend our small group again and until December to come to church, but I immediately felt right at home and welcomed. I started reading the Bible again, clinging to Proverbs 16:3, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans." Knowing God is in control and where he has brought me has changed my faith, marriage, and fatherhood, and I'm excited to continue my growth here at LEFC.

Kevin Perigo

My name is Kevin Perigo. I was born in a small town in Western PA and raised in one of the few churches in town.  I attended church every Sunday and the holy days of obligation and participated in the sacraments. Most impactful though, was witnessing my Dad spend every day in the Word and apply it to every part of his life. As a believer in Christ at an early age, I thought I was on the right path to be saved. However, I hit a plateau for many years, especially in my early adult years, growing very little in my faith.

In those years, my path was the exact opposite of Romans 12:2, "Do not conform to the pattern of this word, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will." I was selfishly focusing on conforming to my will, focusing on career advancement, comfort, leisure, happiness, and even retirement plans so early in life. My attention, instead, should have been on the Word of God, which could redirect me to His will (good, pleasing, and perfect) with a focus on my eternal destiny.

Then, God placed Erin in my life. Getting married to her and then having kids is when I came off the plateau. With the added responsibility of being a husband and father, my new life in Christ began. I began to dig more into scripture (reading cover to cover which I never did before) and compare the teaching of scripture to the world around me. My new life in Christ (although I fail frequently as a sinner) is now on marriage as one flesh (Genesis 2:24), stop trusting in myself and walk in wisdom (Proverbs 28:26), live by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7), surrounding myself with wise and faithful people, and starting our girls off on the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). My girls, Myla and Maci, have been such a blessing, and I learn from their love for Jesus every day.

C.S. Lewis once wrote, "Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important." I declare today the need to bury my old ways of self, stop treating Christ as moderately important, and declare my love for Him and all that He has done for me, and begin a new life in Him.

Kathryn Seitz

I live in the Manheim area with my husband, and we are expecting a baby girl this September. I currently work for ELIC, an organization that sends English teachers to the unreached regions of the world. I did not grow up going to church and did not have a personal relationship with Christ. Due to childhood struggles and a lack of Christ in my life, I developed an empty space in my heart that I attempted to fill by seeking value in others, my own image, and other unhealthy habits. In my teens, these habits and relationships began to take over my life. My choices brought on a season of despair and hopelessness. I felt completely alone and lost.

Around age 16, I began to experience a lot of spiritual darkness. Eventually, I reached a point of extreme fear, loneliness, and emptiness, and God worked through a family friend to lead me towards the power of prayer and ultimately Jesus. Despite my weak faith, I found immediate peace from darkness that had been covering my life. While this experience began shaping my faith, I still remained in a place of emptiness. A major turning point for me was attending a friend's youth group. In this place, I found a place of belonging, people who deeply cared for me, and a God who loves at all times. It was evident that God's hand had always been present in my life, pursuing me and lifting me out of my sin.

Since then, it has been a joy to deeply know and experience the Lord and His character. I've learned to cherish the Word of God, abide in His presence, and grow in a passion for evangelism. It has been a theme throughout my life to continue to return to the Lord's truth, presence, and purpose for His people. Over the past few years, I have experienced many extreme transitions and painful losses. When things became very difficult, I came to a crossroad and realized that I had to make a choice to trust - in the Lord's promises through scripture and evidence of God's work in my life. These choices have shaped my faith, allowing me to trust in God's character despite my circumstances. In each season of life, I am continually in awe of God's faithfulness to me. What a blessing it is to serve a faithful Messiah.

After 11 years of following Christ, I am excited to seek baptism as both a proclamation of my faith and act of obedience of God.

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

Ethan Wittneben

As I look back throughout my life, I can clearly see God's providence, sovereignty, and sufficiency. Early in my life, there were many issues in my family's home, and my parents divorced when I was young. I was old enough to remember the moment, but I was young enough to only know what it is like growing up in a split family. Despite negative aspects of my upbringing, I was still able to gain knowledge of and cultivate a relationship with God out of his mercy and goodness. I knew and believed that which was of first importance: that Christ died for my sins, was buried, and rose again (1 Cor 15:3-4).

Although I became a Christ follower at a young age, I did not fully understand what a relationship with Christ meant, and my perception of God was mostly moralistic. Initially, my understanding was that Jesus's main concern was for us to be better people.

What I was thirteen, my older brother invited me to a Bible camp run through the organization he volunteered for at the time. It was there that I first learned of many Christian realities. It was my first experience with someone's testimony, intentional worship, and true community. I learned that Christianity is not just about doing the right things; Christianity is about living in right relationship with Jesus, becoming more Christlike, and living out our roles in participation with him in his kingdom.

In the time following, I slowly started to get more plugged into different ministries. This was largely due to my former youth pastor, who encouraged me to get involved in the relatively new church I had been attending. As the years progressed, I experienced growth and became more involved in serving through leadership and organization. I gradually developed a passion for ministry and discipleship growth, to live out the commission given to all God's people (Matt 28:18-20).

Eventually, I developed an urge to pursue a vocation in ministry. However, there came a time in high school when I became more pressured by the culture around me. Where I grew up there were two main groups: those who thought one should work in physical labor, and those who thought one must go to school to achieve so-called "Success". Because of this, my plans shifted towards various career paths. During the transition between high school and college, my family went through a deeply impactful family situation, and it was during this intense season that I could no longer cling tightly to my stubbornness.

In the days following, I found an opportunity to attend a Bible school in Colorado. Knowing that I had made a mistake, I immediately dropped out of the engineering school I had been enrolled in and moved to pursue the call to ministry. There was no guarantee that I would remain for the entire year because of my financial situation. However, God provided every opportunity to allow me to finish. After my year in Colorado, I transferred to Lancaster Bible College (LBC). Throughout my college experience, I have had the opportunity to learn, grow, and serve in tremendous ways. Although there remains the constant pressure to act according to my desire and pressures, Christ taught, showed, and continuously reminds me that I ultimately belong to him through him, and that I can trust in and depend on him because he is trustworthy, sovereign, and good.

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