Care at LEFC
At LEFC, we are committed to seeking opportunities to tangibly love and care for all attenders and members in a way that reflects the teaching and actions of Jesus Christ.
There are times in everyone’s life when tough circumstances (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) make life hard. We would love to support you in these times, guiding you toward healing and wholeness—but we can’t help if we don’t know of your needs.
Keep reading to learn more about how LEFC can help with various aspects of care.
People need people—we are built for community! But sometimes circumstances (an injury, illness, loss of a loved one, etc.) make it difficult or even impossible for us to engage with others and leave us feeling alone. In those times when visitation needs arise within our congregation - whether it be at home, in the hospital, or in nursing home), our trained chaplains are happy to help.
Visitation Requests: Email Gary Poorman or call the church office at 717-626-5332.
Information on Local Counselors: Email Matt Sowada.
LEFC has a long history of people serving people. Within our congregation are many individuals ready and willing to provide hands-on services including yard work, providing meals, light housework, transportation, painting, etc. Requests for physical care and financial assistance are managed through LEFC ministries, including the Mercy Network, Budget Coaching, and the Servants Fund.
Need Physical Assistance? Email the Mercy Network or call the church office at 717-626-5332 to begin a conversation, allowing us to consider your need and our congregation's ability to help.
Need Budget Coaching or Financial Guidance? Email our Budget Coaches or call the church office at 717-626-5332 to begin a conversation, allowing us to consider your need and our ability to help.
Want to Volunteer? LEFC's Mercy Network is designed to identify and mobilize the skills and gifts of those in our congregation. It's a means of connecting your skills with those who need assistance. Click here to view our Mercy Network Volunteer Form. Check any tasks that you are willing to be called upon to contribute, as your availability allows.
Let's be honest: relationships are tricky! Even the best of them require work, and whether it's a marriage, parent/child, other familial/friend/coworker relationship, or new engagement, occasionally outside help is needed. If you are looking for help with your relationships with others, please reach out.
Engaged: Click here to begin the process for Premarital Counseling and Mentoring.
Married and Looking for Support: Email Matt Sowada or Randy Hunt.
Information on Local Counselors: Email Matt Sowada.
Hope Groups: LEFC has several Hope Groups (support groups for parents, adoption care, etc.) that meet regularly. For information on these groups, click here or email our Connections Pastor Jeff Travis.
We all experience the pain of brokenness, and healing is always a process; but, when the hurts we carry result from addictions, abuse, bullying, mental illness, eating disorders, etc. that process is often complicated and multifaceted. We would love to walk beside you on your journey toward recovery and wholeness.
Looking for Recovery Support: Email Jeff Travis.
Information on Local Counselors: Email Matt Sowada.