Witness Park Rules


To keep Witness Park Cemetery a place of serene beauty, please adhere to the following:

Memorial Items (including but not limited to flowers, decorations, and other items) are permitted one week before and one week after the following holidays: Easter, Mother's Day, Memorial Day, Father's Day, Independence Day, Veteran's Day, and Christmas. Those not picked up one week after the holiday will be discarded.

During mowing season, please keep memorial items confined to the base or top of the headstone (off the grass). Mowing season is March 15 to November 15. Exceptions include the holidays listed above and military flags placed by the veteran's organization.

Free-standing memorial items should be no taller than 36 inches.

We assume no responsibility for memorial items.

Memorial items considered unsightly by management will be removed.

Trespassing or loitering after sunset is prohibited.

Recreational vehicles, bicycles, skateboards, sleds and animals are not permitted beyond the parking areas.

Planting of any kind is not allowed (trees, shrubs, grass, including sod, etc.).

The following items are not permitted and will be removed:

  • Lighting of any kind
  • Glass and glass containers
  • Beverage containers
  • Foil or paper wrap on plants

Thank you for respecting and considering these grounds and surroundings as sacred.