Life Group Resources


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life groups at lefc

At LEFC, we define Life Group as a group of people, usually 6-15, who gather regularly to share their lives, study Scripture and pray. They are an integral part of our church and are a key way of experiencing authentic, multiplying, Christ-centered community within our body. 


Life Groups at LEFC are encouraged to consider how the following six distinctives can be central to who they are:

Relationally Connected: Life Groups exist to provide life! Members of a Life Group share a close personal connection that serves to exhort, encourage and care for each other. Groups gather on a regular (weekly or every other week) basis to maintain close relationships.
Hebrews 10:24-25

Biblically Based: One of the markers of a regular gathering of a Life Group is time spent in the Word of God. Many Life Groups are “sermon-based” and use the weekly sermon discussion guide posted online. Other groups study through books of the Bible, pre-written curriculum or faith based books.
Psalm 19:7-10

Radically Vulnerable: Life Groups foster relationships that fulfill a God given longing to know and be known by others. Members of a group authentically share joys, struggles, and heart aches as well as confess sin with each other as they pursue maturity in Christ.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 and James 6:16

Oikos Focused: A Life Group prays for each member’s Oikos regularly. Regular prayer for each other’s Oikos serves as accountability to pursue gospel-focused relationships within each personal Oikos. A group living on mission for their Oikos’ embraces the biblical call to multiply disciples.
Matthew 9:37-38 and 28:18-20

Mission Minded: Life Groups are on mission together through service and the support of others on mission. This may look different in each group, but often consists of serving together regularly and supporting one of LEFC’s Global or Strategic Partners.
Matthew 25:35-40

Intentionally Led: Each Life Group has a leader who oversees care, organizes gathering details, leads Bible study selection, facilitates discussions and prayer, and attends LEFC trainings.  
Mark 10:42-45 and Acts 20:28-31