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Baptisms Sunday Aug. 14, 2022

Ella Himelfarb

I've been going to church almost every Sunday for my whole life. We decided to switch churches and began attending services at LEFC when I was in third grade. Growing up Christian and hearing the same sermons and messages started to seem repetitive, so I just began to tune them out altogether. My faith became a "Sunday thing” and wasn't being applied to other areas of my life. I had little to no connection with God. This continued until I began attending LEFC's youth group in seventh grade. One of the first lessons I remember is how to incorporate God into your daily life. As I was listening, I remember thinking that this felt directed at me. Was God trying to tell me something? In the weeks following I started a habit of praying randomly during the day when I felt like I needed God's guidance, as well as reading my Bible app on the bus to school. As my connection with God improved, other parts of my life improved as well. I began to feel less anxious, happier, and cared for in a way that I had never felt before. Suddenly I loved church. Sunday went from being a chore, to being a day I couldn't wait to come. I went on like this for about a year, thoroughly loving my religion, and finding identity in it. Then two missionaries came to youth group to talk to us. They spoke about people who had never even heard of God. I thought about how happy God had made me, and how sad it was they didn't get to experience that too. The idea of sharing my faith sounded scary. What if people judge you, or don't want to listen? That's when I found the verse Psalms 56:3-4, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In you whose word I praise - in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere people do to me?" My faith is never something I should be ashamed of or be afraid to share. God is greater than someone else's judgement. So, my public proclamation of faith is getting baptized. After this, I hope to have the courage to spread God's word without fear of others’ opinions.


Nancy Hansen

I grew up in a Christian home, but I didn’t really know what it meant to be a Christian. I wouldn’t really get any of the passages or anything I would just go because I had to and then wanted to get home as fast as I could. When I started going to Crossover, I started actually understanding what it meant to be a Christian and was participating. I actually wanted to go to church and was understanding all the passages and what they were actually saying. What I learned was that God loved us first and I cannot carry out the marks of a disciple without Him. I learned this on the Operation 717 trip. On the Operation 717 trip, I was hoping to make a decision about getting baptized and one morning we were listening to music and God called me to get baptized.

John 14:6-10 says, “Jesus answered. ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.’ Philip said, ‘Lord show us the Father and that will be enough for us.’ Jesus answered, ‘Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘show us the Father’? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.’”

 I feel that I know the Lord and I want to show the world that I am a Christian.

Baptism at Sunday in the Park - Group 5

Charis Desiato

My name is Charis, and I am 9 years old. I accepted Jesus into my heart May 1. When I accepted Jesus in my heart I was inspired by my Bible. And I knew the Bible was not just some fairy tale and I believed it. I'm here today because I believe God has truly cleansed me from my sins.

One of my favorite verses is Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord will be with you wherever you go".



Madison Dahl

My name is Madison Dahl, and I am 11 years old. My family and I have been going to church my whole life and attending LEFC for 6 years. One night when I was 7 my brother, sister and I had a lot of questions about Jesus and about how you know you're saved. That night, my mom answered a lot of questions and prayed with me to accept Jesus into my heart. I realized the only way to heaven was through Jesus and His death on the cross.

When I am sad or having a bad day, I know Jesus is with me. I can also give my friends hope that there is someone that loves them and wants a relationship with them too. I try and share what Jesus has done for my life every chance I get and as I grow in my relationship with Him, I want my friends to see a difference in my life.

I now want to grow closer in my relationship with Christ by reading the bible, praying, and sharing the good news of what Jesus has done in my life.

One of my favorite verses to share with my friends is Romans 5:8, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Ava Weaver

Hello, my name is Ava, and I am 10 years old. I was raised in a Christian home, so I grew up going to church and believing in Jesus. When I was 8 years old, I accepted Jesus into my life and asked him to take control of my life. Before I came to Christ, I still had him as my Lord and Savior, but I didn't understand as much as I do now. I saw from my parents and all of my family members that I need Jesus and we all need Jesus.

My family really was a great help to come to Jesus - it would be so hard to become a Christian in a non-Christian household. I praise God for that. I love God with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my mind. Here are a couple verses from Psalm 146: "You have searched me Lord and you know me; you know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways". God knows our every move, he knows what we're going to say even before we know what we're going to say.

Now that I am a Christian, I am here to make my faith public by getting baptized as a way to show I love God and he is in charge of my life. Letting Jesus into my life was a huge step in my life but it was one of the best days of my life. Now I am standing here proclaiming my faith. I have grown in my faith and love since then. Even when I do stupid mistakes every day, he still forgives me and gives me so much mercy and grace. Let Christ be magnified in me and help him use me in his big perfect plan. Jesus has a great plan for everyone. He is my god and I love him with all my heart, soul, and mind.

Ruth Kleinschmidt

Hi I am Ruth Kelinschmidt. I live in Ireland and came to Lancaster for a year. LEFC is the church that my grandparents attended and over the past ten months I feel like I have become part of LEFC as well. I grew up in a Christian home, but I accepted Christ into my heart when I was 8 years old. My life has had ups and downs, but I know that no matter where I am in my life if I am sad and lonely or happy and cheerful Christ is always there with me guiding me.

I accepted Jesus into my life when a woman at my church in Ireland spent the time to tell me about Jesus dying on the cross for my sins and that I could live forever with Jesus in heaven. She also explained that I could have a relationship with Jesus and that having a relationship with Him is a very special thing.

I am very blessed to have Jesus in my life. Jesus makes me a better person and a better Christian. When I was younger, the Bible was read to me often, and I was told about Jesus dying on the cross for my sins to be my savior. I was young so I thought they were just words, and I didn't completely understand them, but since I have had a relationship with Jesus I understand the Bible more. I also appreciate Jesus more knowing that He died for me. Jesus was innocent but he died for the guilty, one of the guilty people is me. The relationship I have with Jesus now is strong and I hope it grows stronger as I grow. Today I would like to thank my Pops and Pastor Tony for helping me grow in Christ and being here today to baptize me.

Drew Stief

My name is Drew Stief and I am a senior at Messiah University. I was born into a family with loving parents and siblings, an older brother and sister. Impacted by my family, I decided to give my life to Christ at a very young age. By the grace of God, I truly believe I've been saved since that moment, however it wasn't until more recently that I understood what it meant to be a follower of Jesus. Growing up I had faith, but it did not have a great impact on my life. I sought after the things of the earth to fulfill me and bring me happiness. I allowed things like sports, friends, and my emotions to dictate what I thoughts my true identity was. Trying to be fulfilled by the things of this earth caused me to constantly be searching for greater purpose in life because those things failed me time and time again. It all started to change in my later school years, I had a wake up call from God that made me realize I could be gone from this earth at any moment, and what would I have lived for? Finding the answer to that question; I realized my life was not on the right track. I would like to say that I did everything that I could do to change my life there in that moment but that would be anything but the truth. The truth is that God did everything he could do to make me realize that I'm his son and he is my true purpose in life. This did not hit me all at once and change my life right away, but the seed was planted. Two of the ways that God put me on the right track in life were, putting me in the right place at Messiah and putting the right people in my life, specifically my girlfriend Catie who has been a Christ-like influence on me and has been guiding me closer to God over the past five years. Once I got to college, my heart really became on fire for the Lord. This past spring break my team took a trip to Colombia which was the best 10 days of my life. At the end of the week, having experienced God's love so tangibly, I realized I never had to doubt God again. Up until that moment I had an inkling of doubt in the back of my mind, but now I can truly say I will never doubt him again. I don't want to be naïve and think that challenges don't lay ahead, but I know the Holy Spirit will guide me home.

What does this mean for my life now and in the future? The answer to this is found in my favorite verse, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled, and do not be afraid." -John 14:27. The Statement in this verse that God does not give as the world gives, but instead gives hope and peace that is everlasting is this most important thing in my life. He has saved me from my sins and the ways of this world.

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