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Baptism Sept. 11, 2022 Asa Forney

Asa Forney

Hi. My name is Asa, and I am 8 years old. My family always believed in Jesus, but I never knew what it meant, so I asked my dad, and he explained it all. It felt like I knew everything, but I didn't, there's still a lot to learn. Besides that, there was still a lot of other things that brought me closer to God such as Created to Praise, Sports World, Woodcrest, Sabbath Readings, and church. Every time I see something that I love, I just stop and say, "Thank you God."

My favorite verse is Psalm 19:10 "They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb." Well, I love the whole chapter because I memorized it, that's just my favorite verse from the chapter. I didn't say the whole thing because it seems like we'd be here all day.

My parents chose the name Asa because it means "healer" and King Asa was a good King. He "did what was right in the eyes of the Lord...King Asa's heart was fully committed to the Lord" and I want to be like that too. And that is why I want to be baptized.