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Dec 11, 2022 | Tony Hunt

God Incarnate


Behold- to see or gaze more intently for the purpose of seeing greater detail that leads to more understanding and wonder.  “Behold” is used in the King James 1298 times.  The ESV 1069x.  NIV 1x.   The Greek term that most commonly translated “Behold” is only used 22x in the Greek text.   More often it is due to the emphasis of other terms that persuades the translator to use the term to reflect the need to “look more closely” “Don’t miss this”

This past year several songs have been written utilizing this term.  Crossover used “Behold” as the theme of Winter Blast highlighting that what we look upon shapes us.  By looking to the Lord and “beholding” him, his life, his teachings we are captivated by him which leads us to be shaped more like him. 

This Fall many of our women were on retreat and the theme was “Behold”.  Drawing from Psalm 46:10 in being still before him will lead to knowing him more.  It is in that greater reflection, that pause, a full beholding of him that we know him more and that will in turn lead to praise of him and us magnifying him.

“Behold” is likely to be most connected to Luke 2:10 where in the KJV it says, “And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” 

Even the angels in beholding Jesus as a child invoked them in full chorus saying in Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

Why are we told to look upon Jesus’ birth with great intent?  Perhaps, gazing into the wonder of this moment will help you and me know better the heart of God and the wonder of Jesus’ coming.

Today let’s “behold” the wonder of God becoming man.

Read Philippians 2:5-8

Jesus was and has always been fully God. (6a)

  • His “essence” “nature” “form” was and is all divine.

  • He was pre-existent, so the angels had known him since they were created.

Jesus did not use his divinity for personal advantage or gain. (6b)

  • He did perform miracles that showed his power over creation.

  • Every miracle was in glory and honor to God, and the calling of people to himself for their betterment.

Jesus willfully became human. (7)

  • His nature and form were born out of the heart of servitude.

  • This was a great humbling to choose the path of becoming one of us, yet different, without sin.

One commentary said the ultimate humiliation was for Jesus to be born and to experience death.  BKC

WHY?  Why did God choose this path for Jesus to take on humanity and humbling himself to such a level?

Worship and sacrifice at the temple were copies of what was to come.  Hebrews 9:1-10

  • They were teaching generations of people how God will redeem mankind.

  • It was a preparation of the soul of mankind.

Blood is the only way for sin to be atoned for.  Hebrews 9:11-22

  • To be in the presence of God, blood had to provide the cleansing/payment for entry. (12)

  • The annual sacrifice of the blood of goats and cattle provided only an external cleansing, for the conscience was still guilty. (13)

  • Christ coming as the unblemished, untainted by sin, lamb of God provided a sacrifice of blood that was once for all.

  • This required his death for “the will” to be enforced. (17)

  • There is no forgiveness of sins without the perfection of his sacrifice. (22)

Jesus was the only one capable of such a sacrifice. Hebrews 9:23-28

  • He was Heaven and only a Heavenly sacrifice could be perfect. (23)

  • He was and is the curtain by which entry into the presence of God can happen. (24)

  • No longer is an annual sacrifice needed as the debt of sin has been paid in full. (25-26)

  • He came the first time to make that payment. He will come again to give the reward for those he redeemed. (28)

Why Jesus as God incarnate?  He is the only one who could change mankind’s plight from eternal punishment to the hope of our salvation. 

Let us behold the wonder of how God loved us so much that he sent Jesus to suffer humiliation on our behalf.   As we draw into the wonder of this birth, let it captivate our hearts and shape our lives as we go through this special season.

Series Information

Behold!  The angels tell us to stop and more than just take a look at the marvelous birth of the Christ child, but to take the time to gaze and study this incredible moment of our redemption story.  So, we are going to “behold” some key truths that make this story worth celebrating.