Life Group Discussion Guides

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"Jars of Clay: God's Unlikely Treasure Box" by Pastor Tony

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Group Discussion Guide


Below the Surface Sermon Series
Jars of Clay: God’s Unlikely Treasure Box by Pastor Tony
Choose the best question(s) for your group

February 11, 2018
Questions by Pastor Ric

Below are some discussion questions relating to a recent sermon. These are provided so that your Life Group can discuss what was shared. Previous Weeks’ Discussion Guides and Sermon Notes are available through the Sermons under the Resources menu. Click on the sermon series and then the sermon you are interested in.  You will see a paper icon under the sermon title. Click the icon to open the sermon notes. To listen to the sermon click on the speaker icon. 

TEXTS: 2 Corinthians 4:1-6; 7-12; Romans 9:21-23; 2 Corinthians 4:13-18

  1. What makes the Good News of the Gospel so glorious? It provides for us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). The world needs to see and experience it in and through us. How do we convey these confident, life-giving, salvation-bringing and transformative characteristics to our Oikos? What is your personal strategy? What is your Life Group’s strategy?

  2. What are some key characteristics of the enemy’s strategies? How can we prevent falling into his traps personally and as a church?

  3. “When God seems farthest from us, he may be doing His most powerful work in us.” This quote from Dr. Larry Crabb seems contradictory. Using what the Word teaches us about being “jars of clay”, how could the quote help us understand why we are going through dark times in life? Do you know of other Scripture to support this?

  4. It is not difficult to understand how we can “lose heart”. A good friend told me recently that she felt like her family had reached bottom with all of the challenges they are facing. What role do we play as Life Groups and friends to partner with each other during the bad times and help one another during the bad times and help one another to not “lose heart”? Discuss how we can do it better.
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"Blessed This Side of the Cross" Pastor Tony

Group Discussion Guide

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Below the Surface Sermon Series
Blessed This Side of the Cross by Pastor Tony
Choose the best question(s) for your group

February 4, 2018
Questions by Pastor Ric

Below are some discussion questions relating to a recent sermon. These are provided so that your Life Group can discuss what was shared. Previous Weeks’ Discussion Guides and Sermon Notes are available through the Sermons under the Resources menu. Click on the sermon series and then the sermon you are interested in.  You will see a paper icon under the sermon title. Click the icon to open the sermon notes. To listen to the sermon click on the speaker icon. 

TEXT: Exodus 34:29-35; 2 Corinthians 3:7-11; 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 

  1. Reflect on a spiritual “mountain top experience” you have experienced. Share this in your group and discuss why the experience was so special and why after time it seemed to fade. How can we build lasting spiritual growth from these kinds of experiences? How can Life Groups help?

  2. Followers of Christ are liberated from the condemnation of the law (Galatians 5). Yet, from time to time, we are influenced by the enemy to believe that we are still living in condemnation. Discuss how you struggle with living and believing who we are in Christ and the glory of His Grace in a world of competition, judgment and narcissism. How can we access the Holy Spirit’s power to live in freedom and Grace?

  3. What does it mean to, as Pastor Tony explains, turn to Christ and experience the reality of His Grace and His redemptive offer of righteousness?

  4. In what ways are we responsible for stifling the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives?

  5. For whom in your Oikos are you praying to be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit, lifting the veil separating them from the freedom found only through Christ’s work on the cross? Share this with your group, and pray for one another’s Oikos, knowing it is not your competence, but the work of the Holy Spirit.
Posted by Ric Joline with

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