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May 13, 2018 | Tony Hunt

Testing your Faith and Standing - Restored relationally

The final examination. 2 Corinthians 13:5-6

Philippians 2:12 “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”

  • Examine or test yourselves in regard to the validity of your faith. (5)
    • Do you love and obey Jesus?
    • Evidence of the convicting work of the Spirit?
    • Evidence of the fruit of the Spirit?
    • Is there transformation taking place? 
  • Ask a trusted friend to answer these questions about you.
  • Why is this helpful?
    • Examinations continue to drive the knowledge and commitment deeper in you.
    • It can shock you out of coasting and to get on a healthier path.
  • Paul presumed they would pass the test but encouraged the examination anyway. (6)

Pursuing a “new normal” post examination. 2 Corinthians 13:7-10

  • Making the right decisions and living according to what is right. (7)
  • Standing with truth and not against. (8)
    • It begins with knowing the truth of God’s righteous and holy template revealed in Christ.
    • Christ gives you a lens by which you can test the truth of who you are, hence the examination.
  • Begin seeking full relational restoration once you have examined yourself. (9)
  • Peacemaking based on truth and right spirit can now happen so that there may be a joyful reunion upon Paul’s return. (10)

Take aways:

  • New beginnings can best happen when we allow ourselves to be examined.
  • Knowing the truth of where your spiritual condition as a follower of Jesus opens the door for humble interaction with others.
  • Restoration with God and others can now truly begin.

Series Information

2 Corinthians is a letter between Paul and a church that had a fractured relationship.  He addresses many relational and deep personal issues that get below the surface and deal with heart of the matter. This book is such a good model on navigating challenging personal and relational issues!