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Dec 22, 2019 | Tony Hunt

Love Gives Away

How far did God go to express his love?  Romans 8:31-34

  • God is actually for you. (31)
    • He is like that parent in the stands at every game.
    • He is like the captain of the team who picked you to be on his team.
    • He is the ultimate “Got your back” captain.
    • He is the GOAT—the greatest of all time and cannot be beat.
    • So, no one stands a chance.
  • God paid dearly for you to be in his family. (32)
    • He gave that which was most precious to him— “I give you my son”.
    • He did that which would guarantee your release to him.
    • He did it for all of us without consideration of merit—so it was grace.
  • God continues to do all the work for our benefit. (33-34)
    • We can no longer be accused successfully.
    • We have a great defender.
    • We have the greatest intercessor. 

What does God’s love accomplish in our lives?  Romans 8:35-39

  • Nothing can come between us and the love of Christ—the Son. (35)
    • No challenging situation can separate us from his love.
    • No adversary or malicious person can separate you from his love.
    • No season of hard times can separate you from his love.
  • Because of Christ’s love for us, we are conquerors in all situations. (37-38)
    • Death does not win.
    • Demons do not win.
    • Tomorrow does not need to be feared.
    • Nothing on earth stands a chance before him.
  • NOTHING can separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ OUR LORD! (39)

Take aways.

  1. God’s type of love holds nothing back for those he loves.
  2. Receive his love found in Jesus.
  3. If Jesus is your Lord, walk without fear. 
  4. Pay forward the love of Christ this Christmas with a love that holds nothing back—no strangers at the table!


God’s love manifested in Christ is the greatest gift one could give!

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