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Encounter Jesus

Sep 13, 2020 | Tony Hunt

He is the Word

Encounters that change you:

  • Face to face with a male lion—led to a holy and reverent worship of the creator God.

  • Singing “I’m still yours” at Aurora when a young student who was a survivor of tragedy took over. “If I lost it all, would my hands stay lifted, to the God who gives and takes away. If you take it all this life you’ve given. Still my heart will sing to you.”

  • Other Encounters that teach me that God still…
    • Does the miraculous. (SBU)
    • Answers prayers. (Biloxi)
    • (Darrin)
    • Changes lives. (Cara)

Need a fresh encounter with God? 

JOHN—The Apostle John writes this book reflectively recounting human encounters with the greatest man to walk the earth and how these encounters changed lives as they revealed who the Son of God is.  It changed John’s life and he writes this book so that you will know who that Son of God is, who can change your life.


John connects the reader to the meta-narrative.
Read John 1:1-5 and Genesis 1:1-5. 

The Living Word brings life and light to mankind. John 1:1-5

  • He is the divine Word. (1-2)
    • Conveys truth.
    • Conveys authority.
    • Provides understanding.
    • Gives direction.
  • He is the Creator God who make life and now gives life anew. (3-4)

  • He is the light that darkness cannot quench. (5)
    • Reveals that life has purpose.
    • Reveals a life that has hope. 

This light is for all to see, but when encountered “what say you?” John 1:6-13

  • This light is for all to see, but do you believe? (7b, 9a)

  • This light is for all to see, but do you receive it? (12a)

  • Believe and receive and you will become a child of God. (12b)

  • This is a work of God alone—grace. (13)

John encountered THE WORD—he believed and received.  John 1:14

  • The Word became flesh.

  • He saw how the Word lived.

  • He saw the glory of God.

  • John was forever changed.

Who is this Word that he declares as the Son of God?  He is Jesus Christ, through whom comes grace and truth.  Believe and Receive!!! 


Song:  “What a Beautiful Name.” 

Benediction: The apostle Paul after his encounter with Jesus made this claim “At the name of Jesus every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord!” 

Discussion Guide:

  1. Have you ever had an encounter with Jesus that has altered your life or perspective since that moment? If so, share the moment and how it changed you.
  2. If you were sharing your “come to Jesus moment” with someone in your oikos, what about Jesus would you want them to understand?
  3. What is the difference between believing and receiving who Jesus is? Do you believe you not only believe in Jesus, but have received him? 
  4. Choose one person to pray for right now to have an encounter with Jesus that will change their life.

Series Information

John had a three years of observing Jesus and watching each human encounter with him reveal all the more who Jesus is.  Each person needs an encounter with Jesus, and it is our prayer that you will encounter Jesus anew in the weeks ahead.