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Aug 06, 2023 | Corey Mitchell

There is a way that seems right


There is a way that seems right

Proverbs 16:25

We do not naturally have wisdom. So there's a way that seems right to us that leads to death. Therefore, we must get wisdom. Worldly wisdom is to isolate ourselves from those who would disagree with us and label them as unsafe. But wisdom that is from above is to receive correction and rebuke as a gift...a gift that leads to wisdom. 

Prov. 16:25 - There's a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death. (NIV 1984) I want to touch on 2 implications of this proverb...
The first is this...Wisdom is NOT INSIDE of us
Wisdom is outside of us and we must go get it
Proverbs 4:7 The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

So where can we get wisdom?
A first place is from your parents
Deut. 5:16 - Honor your father and mother that it may go well with you and you may live long

1 Co 4:15-16 - From Spiritual parents - Teachers/Mentors/Disciplers
From the Scriptures

2 Timothy 3:14-17
correcting, rebuking, disciplining because

2nd implication is that the way of death needs to be driven out
...usually through correction
The world says pride but the Scriptures say humility
a posture of humility before God turns correction into wisdom
the world speaks of trigger warning/ microagressions/ safe spaces
warning: begin to condition you to distance from those who may disagree of seem unkind you miss out on the correction which can bring wisdom
Living in an echo chamber of our own ideologies has a similar way to conditioning us

2 Samuel 16:4-14 David and Shimei
posture of humility to set aside his right as king, see through the messenger
and the theology to understand God corrects as he chooses
David exercises discernment in counseling his son, Solomon
Muscle building requires resistance
Building spiritual muscle also requires resistance - correcting the ways of death to life Correction, discipline leading to maturity, and even rebuke are a gift from God

Series Information

There are certain words of wisdom that stay with you for a lifetime that create plumb lines you live by.  Proverbs is filled with such statements.  Each speaker will be speaking out of a text in Proverbs that has guided them in life.  Wisdom that can show you the way when all else seems unclear.